
Knowledge based learning.

Knowledge-based learning is a type of learning that is not restricted to any specific time or place.

One of the best advantages of knowledge-based learning is that it can be done anytime and anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're sitting in a classroom or at your home, you can still access the subject materials and complete the assignments. Knowledge-based learning also has many other benefits, such as increased accessibility and affordability. 

Knowledge-based learning can be beneficial in certain situations like when an individual has limited time to learn new skills or needs more flexibility than traditional education offers. Knowledge-based learning is a type of online learning that is self-paced and interactive. It is also referred to as asynchronous online learning.

As technology has advanced, the cost associated with providing knowledge-based education has decreased significantly. This has made it more feasible for companies to implement knowledge-based education programs in their organizations. Online learning is an emerging form of education that provides learners the flexibility, convenience, and affordability to learn anytime, anywhere. It is a form of lifelong learning where learning is not restricted to a particular time or place.

Online learning offers the opportunity to learn from experts in their field who may be located in another country. This opens up access to learning opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable.