
AJAX - Global Event Handlers

Ajax global event handlers are functions that are called for all Ajax requests in a jQuery application. These functions can be used to perform common tasks such as showing a loading spinner or logging errors.

There are five global event handlers in jQuery:

$.ajaxStart() - This function is called when an Ajax request begins. It can be used to show a loading spinner or perform other tasks that indicate that a request is in progress.

$.ajaxStop() - This function is called when all Ajax requests have completed. It can be used to hide a loading spinner or perform other tasks that indicate that all requests have finished.

$.ajaxSend() - This function is called just before an Ajax request is sent to the server. It can be used to modify the request settings or perform other tasks that need to be done before the request is sent.

$.ajaxSuccess() - This function is called when an Ajax request completes successfully. It can be used to process the response data or perform other tasks that need to be done when a request succeeds.

$.ajaxError() - This function is called when an Ajax request encounters an error. It can be used to handle the error, display an error message, or perform other tasks that need to be done when a request fails.

These global event handlers can be useful for managing Ajax requests in a jQuery application. By using them, you can centralize common tasks and avoid duplicating code across different Ajax requests.