
ASP.NET - Validators - RequiredField

The RequiredFieldValidator control is used to ensure that a user has entered a value in a required field. It is one of the most commonly used validators in ASP.NET applications. Here are some of the properties, methods, and events associated with this control:


  • ControlToValidate: This property specifies the ID of the control that the validator should validate. For example, if you have a textbox that is required, you would set the ControlToValidate property to the ID of that textbox control.
  • ErrorMessage: This property specifies the error message that should be displayed if the validation fails. This message will be displayed next to the control being validated.
  • Display: This property specifies how the error message should be displayed. It can be set to "None", "Dynamic", or "Static". "Dynamic" means the error message is displayed next to the control being validated, while "Static" means the error message is always displayed, even if the control is not focused.
  • EnableClientScript: This property specifies whether the validation should be performed on the client side (using JavaScript) or the server side.


  • Validate: This method performs the validation check and returns a boolean value indicating whether the validation succeeded or failed.


  • ServerValidate: This event is fired when the validator is validated on the server side. You can use this event to perform custom validation logic, such as checking a value against a database.


  • RequiredFieldValidator control is derived from BaseValidator, so all its members are available.

Example 1: Simple RequiredFieldValidator

This example shows how to use a simple RequiredFieldValidator to ensure that the user has entered a value in a textbox control. If the user leaves the textbox empty, an error message will be displayed.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvName" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtName" ErrorMessage="Please enter your name"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" />

In this example, the RequiredFieldValidator control is associated with the txtName textbox control, and the error message "Please enter your name" will be displayed if the user leaves the textbox empty. The btnSubmit button control can be used to submit the form.

Example 2: RequiredFieldValidator with Custom Error Message

This example shows how to use a RequiredFieldValidator with a custom error message. If the user leaves the textbox empty, a custom error message will be displayed in a validation summary control.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvEmail" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtEmail" ErrorMessage="Please enter your email address"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="valSummary" runat="server" DisplayMode="BulletList" />
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" />

In this example, the RequiredFieldValidator control is associated with the txtEmail textbox control, and the error message "Please enter your email address" will be displayed if the user leaves the textbox empty. The ValidationSummary control will display the error message in a bulleted list format. The btnSubmit button control can be used to submit the form.