
C - Operators

Category Operator Description Example
Arithmetic Operators + Addition int result = 5 + 3;
- Subtraction int result = 5 - 3;
* Multiplication int result = 5 * 3;
/ Division int result = 5 / 3;
% Modulo (Remainder) int result = 5 % 3;
Assignment Operators = Assigns a value to a variable int x = 5;
+= Adds and assigns x += 3;
-= Subtracts and assigns x -= 3;
*= Multiplies and assigns x *= 3;
/= Divides and assigns x /= 3;
%= Calculates modulus and assigns x %= 3;
Increment/Decrement ++ Increment by 1 x++; or ++x;
-- Decrement by 1 x--; or --x;
Comparison Operators == Equality if (x == y)
!= Inequality if (x != y)
> Greater than if (x > y)
< Less than if (x < y)
>= Greater than or equal to if (x >= y)
<= Less than or equal to if (x <= y)
Logical Operators && Logical AND if (x > 0 && y > 0)
|| Logical OR if (x > 0 || y > 0)
! Logical NOT if (!x)