
C - Strings

Strings are represented as arrays of characters. Each character in the string is stored in a consecutive memory location, and a null character ('\0') marks the end of the string. 

Accessing Strings:

You can access individual characters of a string using array indexing. The index starts from 0 for the first character and goes up to length - 1, where length is the number of characters in the string.

char str[] = "Hello";
char firstChar = str[0];   // Access the first character 'H'
char thirdChar = str[2];   // Access the third character 'l'
In this example, firstChar will have the value 'H', and thirdChar will have the value 'l'.

Modifying Strings:

In C, individual characters of a string can be modified just like any other array element.

char str[] = "Hello";
str[1] = 'a';   // Change the second character to 'a'
In this example, the second character of the string 'e' is changed to 'a', resulting in the string "Hallo".

Looping through a String:

You can use loops, such as the for loop, to iterate through the characters of a string.

char str[] = "Hello";
int length = strlen(str);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    printf("%c ", str[i]);   // Print each character of the string

In this example, the for loop is used to iterate through each character of the string str and print it.

Strings in C are represented as character arrays, and you can use array indexing to access and modify individual characters. Looping through a string allows you to perform operations on each character or process the string as a whole.