
Computer Basics - Shutting Down Windows XP


Shutting Down Windows XP
Turn Off Computer option
Located on the Start menu
Turns off the computer
Log Off option
Located on the Start menu
Logs off Windows XP but leaves the computer on

The user interface

1.Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen

Connect the mouse.


Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen (Continued)

2. Hold the mouse correctly. For Windows or PC users, place your pointer finger on the left button, and your ring finger on the right button. If your mouse has a button or 'wheel' in the middle, your middle finger can operate this. For Mac users, the mouse usually has only one button. Use any of your three center fingers to press the button.

3.  To click, press the button (usually the left one, when there are two) and promptly release it. It should be a firm, quick tap, and the mouse should be still when you do it.

Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen (Continued)

4. To double click (for opening applications, documents or folders), you must click (the left button) twice in rapid succession. If you have physical trouble with the required double click speed, your computer can be adjusted to suit your needs.

Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen (Continued)

5. Moving Icons on the screen

To drag files, press and hold the (left) button, then move the mouse without letting the button go until the file is where you want it to be.

Using Mouse and moving icons on the screen (Continued)

2. Hold the mouse correctly. For Windows or PC users, place your pointer finger on the left button, and your ring finger on the right button. If your mouse has a button or 'wheel' in the middle, your middle finger can operate this. For Mac users, the mouse usually has only one button. Use any of your three center fingers to press the button.