css - 2D Transforms Part 4: Skewing Elements
The skew() function tilts an element along the X and/or Y axes.
Examples and Explanation
Basic Skew
.skew {
transform: skew(20deg, 10deg);
Explanation: The element is tilted 20 degrees along the X-axis and 10 degrees along the Y-axis.
Single-Axis Skew
.skew-x {
transform: skewX(30deg);
.skew-y {
transform: skewY(-15deg);
Explanation: Use skewX() or skewY() for skewing along one axis.
Combining Skew with Other Transforms
.skew-combined {
transform: translate(50px, 20px) skew(15deg);
Explanation: Skewing can be combined with translation, scaling, or rotation for complex effects.
Use Case: Skewing is often used for dynamic designs, such as tilted headers or stylized buttons.