
css - pseudo-elements

CSS pseudo-elements allow you to style specific parts of an HTML element, such as the first line of a paragraph, the first letter of a block of text, or content that isn't in the HTML itself (like adding icons or decorative elements). These are a great way to enhance your designs without adding extra HTML elements.

This guide covers:

What are CSS Pseudo-elements?

Syntax of Pseudo-elements

Commonly Used Pseudo-elements








Examples of Pseudo-elements in Action

Best Practices and Tips

1. What are CSS Pseudo-elements?

Pseudo-elements are used to style specific parts of an element, such as the first letter or line of a paragraph. Unlike pseudo-classes (which select elements based on their state), pseudo-elements allow you to create and style parts of elements that are not directly accessible in the HTML.

Example Syntax

selector::pseudo-element {

    property: value;


Note: Pseudo-elements are written with two colons (::) to differentiate them from pseudo-classes (which use one colon :). However, for backward compatibility, older pseudo-elements like :before and :after can still be written with a single colon.

2. Syntax of Pseudo-elements


p::first-line {

    font-weight: bold;

    color: blue;


This example styles only the first line of every <p> element, making it bold and blue.

3. Commonly Used Pseudo-elements

3.1 ::before

The ::before pseudo-element is used to insert content before an element's content. You can use it to add decorative icons, labels, or other visual elements.

<p>Welcome to my website!</p>


Copy code

p::before {

    content: "