
Database develop. life cycle - Implementation


Implementation involves the construction of a database according to the specification of a logical schema. This will include the specification of an appropriate storage schema, security enforcement, external schema, and so on. Implementation is heavily influenced by the choice of available DBMS, database tools and operating environment. There are additional tasks beyond simply creating a database schema and implementing the constraints – data must be entered into the tables, issues relating to the users and user processes need to be addressed and the management activities associated with wider aspects of corporate data management need to be supported. In keeping with the DBMS approach we want as many of these concerns as possible to be addressed within the DBMS. We look at some of these concerns briefly now.

In practice, implementation of the logical schema in a given DBMS requires a very detailed knowledge of the specific features and facilities that the DBMS has to offer. In an ideal world, and in keeping with good software engineering practice, the first stage of implementation would involve matching the design requirements with the best available implementing tools and then using those tools for the implementation. In database terms, this might involve choosing vendor products whose DBMS and SQL variants are most suited to the database we need to implement. However, we don't live in an ideal world and more often that not, hardware choice and decisions regarding the DBMS will have been made well in advance of consideration of the database design. Consequently, implementation can involve additional flexing of the design to overcome any software or hardware limitations.

Realising the design

So far we have been concerned only with the specification of a logical schema. We now need our database to be created according to the definitions we have produced. For an implementation with a relational DBMS, this will involve the use of SQL to create tables and constraints that satisfy the logical schema description and the choice of appropriate storage schema (if the DBMS permits that level of control).

One way to achieve this is to write the appropriate SQL DDL statements into a file that can be executed by a DBMS so that there is an independent record, a text file, of the SQL statements defining the database. Another method is to work interactively using a database tool like Sybase Central (or Microsoft Access), where the forms provided for defining tables help avoid the need to remember the syntactic detail of the SQL language. While this may seem to make it easier to realise a database, it can lead to maintenance problems. In this case, there can be a problem keeping track of exactly how tables are defined and the ability to make changes to them, so it is not recommended for large development projects.

Whatever mechanism is used to implement the logical schema, the result is that a database, with tables and constraints, is defined but will contain no data for the user processes.

Populating the database

After a database has been created, there are two ways of populating the tables – either from existing data, or through the use of the user applications developed for the database.

For some tables, there may be existing data from another database or data files. For example, in establishing a database for a hospital you would expect that there are already some records of all the staff that have to be included in the database. Data might also be bought in from an outside agency (address lists are frequently bought in from external companies) or produced during a large data entry task (converting hard-copy manual records into computer files can be done by a data entry agency). In such situations the simplest approach to populate the database is to use the import and export facilities found in the DBMS. Facilities to import and export data in various standard formats are usually available (these functions are also known in some systems as loading and unloading data). Importing enables a file of data to be copied directly into a table. When data are held in a file format that is not appropriate for using the import function then it is necessary to prepare an application program that reads in the old data, transforms them as necessary and then inserts them into the database using SQL code specifically produced for that purpose. The transfer of large quantities of existing data into a database is referred to as a bulk load. Bulk loading of data may involve very large quantities of data being loaded, one table at a time so you may find that there are DBMS facilities to postpone constraint checking until the end of the bulk loading.

Supporting users and user processes

Use of a database involves user processes (either application programs or database tools) which must be developed outside of the database development. In terms of the three-schema architecture we now need to address the development of the external schema. This will define the data accessible to each user process or group of user processes. In reality, most DBMSs, and SQL itself, do not have many facilities to support the explicit definition of the external schema. However, by using built-in queries and procedures, and with appropriate security management, it is possible to ensure access to data by a user process is limited to a tailored subset of the entire database content.

In addition to ensuring that appropriate data access for each user process is achieved, the database developer needs to address other user-related issues. Examples of such issues include: reporting of error conditions, constraint enforcement, automated processing using triggers, grouping of activities into transactions, defining database procedures and functions and data security (in addition to the general database and user process access control).

Supporting data management strategies

Most of the development we've covered so far in this course has focused on meeting specific user requirements – that is, ensuring the right data are constrained correctly and made available to the right user processes. However, other questions must also be addressed in order to support a data management strategy: How frequently should data be backed-up? What auditing mechanisms are required? Which users will be permitted to perform which functions? Which database tools and user processes will be available to users to access data? What level of legal reporting is required? And so on. The data administrator will be involved in setting policy, but the implementer needs to ensure that the right data are being accessed in the right ways by the right users, with appropriate security, record keeping and reporting taking place.

Efficiency: the interaction between design and implementation

When using the three-schema architecture we would like to separate the logical schema, that is, the description of the tables in the database, from the storage schema required for its efficient implementation. This separation represents an ideal that is rarely found in a commercial DBMS. This is most evident when we need to take account of efficiency. When DBMSs lack the ability to separate these concerns it forces efficiency issues to be considered during the database design (by choosing efficient table structures) rather than leaving such decisions until the implementation stage. An initial design for a logical schema may be produced, but its efficiency can only be evaluated fully during implementation. If the resulting implemented database is not efficient enough to meet the processing requirements, it is necessary to return to the database design and consider how the logical schema may be changed to be more efficient. If separation of logical and storage schema is possible, and if another storage schema can efficiently implement the logical design, then the logical design may not need revision.

For this reason, some database design methods refer to two separate design stages: logical database design and physical database design. However, this physical stage is mainly concerned with producing a revised logical schema – that is, specifying SQL tables – so this terminology can be confusing. The tables of a logical schema may differ from the relational representation of the conceptual data model because of concerns with efficiency. To make design decisions that address specific efficiency concerns requires detailed knowledge of the specific DBMS facilities and hardware systems that will host the database.

