
English (Basic) - Lesson twenty eighth

You could be describing how something is similar or appears to be by the way it looks.

Here are some examples:

"It looks like a balloon."
"It looks like a jellyfish."
"It looks like a banana."
"It looks like a fish."
You can also use 'it looks like' to describe something that might be in the future.

Here are some examples:

"It looks like it's going to rain."
"It looks like it's going to be fun."
"It looks like it's going to be a long day."

You can also use it to describe something in the present tense.

Here are some examples:

"It looks like they are leaving."
"It looks like he is waving to us."
"It looks like she is lost."
"It looks like they are racing."

 That's why + (subject + verb)
 That's why + (subject + verb)
That's' is short for 'that is.' Here you are telling someone 'because of this' or 'therefore.'

Here are some examples:

"That's why people admire you."
"That's why she appears so happy."
"That's why babies crawl before they can walk."
"That's why Pam cries at sad movies."
"That's why you fail to understand."
"That is why you help out people in need."
"That is why you try and include everyone."
"That is why you lock your doors when you leave home."
"That is why she smiles when you walk by."
"That is why you use it for emergencies."