
HTML - Phrase tag - Set 2

The <dfn> tag is used to define a term or phrase within a document. It is often used to mark up definitions or explanations.

The <dfn> tag should enclose the term or phrase that requires a definition.

<p><dfn>HTML</dfn> stands for Hypertext Markup Language.</p>

The <blockquote> tag is used to represent a block-level quotation or citation from another source.

The <blockquote> tag should enclose the quoted text or citation.

<blockquote><p>"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde</p></blockquote>

The <q> tag is used to markup inline or short quotations within a paragraph.

The <q> tag should enclose the quoted text.

<p>She said, <q>Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.</q></p>

The <code> tag is used to mark up a section of text that represents computer code.

The <code> tag should enclose the code snippet or programming code.

<p>To print "Hello, World!" in Python, use <code>print("Hello, World!")</code>.</p>

The <kbd> tag is used to represent user input or keyboard input within a document.

The <kbd> tag should enclose the keyboard input or user input.

<p>Press <kbd>Ctrl + Shift + Delete</kbd> to open the clear browsing data dialog.</p>

The <address> tag is used to markup contact information or author information for the document.

The <address> tag should enclose the contact or author information.

<address><p>John Doe<br>123 Main Street<br>City, State</p></address>

These tags provide structure and semantic meaning to the content within an HTML document. By using appropriate tags, we can enhance the readability, accessibility, and understanding of the information presented on a web page.