Human Nervous system - Upper-vs-Lower-Motor-Neuron-Lesions
Mostly seen in Spinal cord Injury
Muscle Bulk
loss of muscle bulk in LMN and late in UMN
Muscle grith
Fasciculations present in LMN, none in UMN
Muscle Tone
flexion/extension, pronation/supination of joint through its ROM
LMN lesions, spinal shock, cerebellar lesions
Hypertonia Spasticity UMN lesion. Pyramidal tract involved
limb moves, then catches, and then goes past catch (clasp-knife)
- Test by rapidly supinating forearm
- UMN lesions, extrapyrimidal tract lesion
- increased tone throughout ROM (cog-wheeling, lead-pipe)
- circumducting the wrist
Power UMN
- flexors > extensors in upper limbs
- extensors > flexors in lower limbs
- reduced power in specific motor neuron distribution
- deltoids arm abduction C5 C6 (axillary)
- biceps elbow flexion C5 C6 (musculocutaneous)
- triceps elbow extension C6 C7 C8 (radial)
- thumb flexion C6 C7 (median)
- wrist extensors C7 C8 (radial)
- interossei of hand finger abduction/adduction C8 T1 (ulnar)
- hip flexion L1 L2 L3 (femoral)
- hip adduction L2 L3 L4 (obturator)
- hip abduction L4 L5 S1 (superior gluteal)
- knee extension L2 L3 L4 (femoral)
- knee flexion L5 S1 S2 (sciatic)
- ankle dorsiflexion L4 L5 (deep peroneal)
- ankle plantar flexion S1 S2 (tibial)
- foot inversion L4 L5 (posterior tibial)
- foot eversion L5 S1 (superficial peroneal)
compare between L and R
- nil
- flicker of movement
- movement cannot overcome gravity
- movement cannot overcome any resistance
- movement is weaker than normal
- normal
Special Tests
Pronator Drift have the patient stand with eyes closed and arms held straight out and hands supinated
- patient cannot maintain this position
- muscle weakness (pronation and outward drift)
- UMN lesion (pronation and downward drift)
Fine Finger Movements ask patient to touch each finger to crease of thumb (show patient how) and speed it up look for right and left differences, slow if UMN lesion
Clonus Ankle or Patellaer clonus in UMN Lesion
Deep Tendon Reflexes biceps tendon (C5-6)
brachioradialis tendon (C5-6)
triceps tendon (C6-8)
knee jerk (L2-4)
Achilles tendon (S1-2)
hyperactive ankle jerk ? examine for clonus at knee and ankle
absent ? use reinforcements (teeth clenching for UL, Jendrassiks maneuver for LL)
UMN ? hyperreflexia, but may be flaccid
LMN ? diminished reflexes
low normal
high normal
clonus (sustained > 3 beats)
note if reinforcements used (teeth clenching, hand grips)
Babinskis reflex (L5-S1) dorsiflexion of the big toe with/without fanning of the other toes (UMN lesion)