
Java - OOP - Modifiers

Java modifiers are keywords that are used to set the scope or access level of variables, methods, and classes in Java. They help us to control the visibility and accessibility of different members of a class.

Here are some of the modifiers in Java:

  • Public: The public modifier is used to make a class, method, or variable accessible from anywhere in the program.
  • Private: The private modifier is used to restrict the access of a class member to the same class only.
  • Protected: The protected modifier is used to make a class member accessible within the same package or by a subclass in a different package.
  • Default: The default modifier is used when no other modifier is specified. It is also known as package-private, and it makes the member accessible within the same package only.

Static: The static modifier is used to make a variable or method belong to the class rather than an instance of the class. It means that the variable or method can be accessed without creating an object of the class.

Final: The final modifier is used to make a variable, method, or class constant. Once a variable, method, or class is marked final, it cannot be modified.

In addition to these modifiers, there are also abstract, synchronized, and volatile modifiers that have their own specific uses.

Using these modifiers, we can control the accessibility and behavior of our classes, methods, and variables in Java. It is important to understand how they work in order to write well-structured and secure programs.