
JavaScript - Operator Proposal

JavaScript is always improving to improve coding efficiency and readability. The?= operator is one of several suggestions aimed at streamlining code. This operator provides a succinct approach to execute conditional assignments, which reduces the need for repetitive code patterns.

What is the?= Operator?

The?= operator, also known as the "logical nullish assignment operator," is intended to assign a value to a variable only when it is currently null or undefined. This operator is very handy when you wish to provide a default value for a variable without overwriting its current value.

Why use the?= operator?

Simplified Conditional Assignments: Rather than writing long conditional checks to assign a value, the?= operator lets you do it in a single, short line.

Enhanced Readability: The?= operator clarifies your intentions: you only assign a value if the variable is nullish (null or undefined). This clarity minimizes the likelihood of problems and makes the code more understandable.

Avoids Overwriting Values: Using the?= operator ensures that existing values are not mistakenly overwritten, which is especially handy when working with object attributes or function arguments that may already have significant values.

How Does it Work?

Let us look at an actual example to see how the?= operator simplifies coding.

Without the?= Operator

let userSettings = userSettings !== null && userSettings !== undefined ? userSettings : getDefaultSettings();

Before setting a default value, this code checks to ensure that userSettings is not null or undefined. Although this works, it is verbose and difficult to read.

With the ?= Operator

userSettings ??= getDefaultSettings();

Before setting a default value, this code checks to ensure that userSettings is not null or undefined. Although this works, it is verbose and difficult to read.

More Examples

1. Assigning Default Values to Variables

let user_Name;

user_Name ??= 'Guest';

console.log(userName); // Output: 'Guest'


Here, userName is initially undefined, so the ?= operator assigns it the value 'Guest'.


2. Handling Object Properties

let config = { theme: null };

config.theme ??= 'dark';

console.log(config.theme); // Output: 'dark'

In this situation, the theme property is null, therefore the?= operator assigns the value 'dark'.

Current Status:

The?= operator is still in the proposed stage and not yet part of the ECMAScript standard. However, it has the potential to be a useful tool for JavaScript developers by improving code clarity and expressiveness.


The?= operator simplifies conditional assignments in JavaScript by allowing you to assign values only when a variable is null or undefined. This not only minimizes boilerplate code, but it also improves readability and reduces error rates. As JavaScript evolves, the?= operator could become an important feature for designing cleaner, more efficient code.