
Linux - Who created Linux

Who created Linux

In 1991, Linus Torvalds was studying UNIX at university, where he was using a special educational experimental purpose operating system called Minix (a small version of UNIX to be used in the academic environment). However, Minix had its limitations and Linus felt he could create something better. Therefore he developed his own version of Minix, known as Linux. Linux was Open Source right from the start.

Linux is a kernel developed by Linus. The kernel was bundled with system utilities and libraries from the GNU project to create a usable operating system. Sometimes people refer to Linux as GNU/Linux because it has system utilities and libraries from the GNU project. Linus Torvalds is credited for creating the Linux Kernel, not the entire Linux operating system[1].

Linux distribution = Linux kernel + GNU system utilities and libraries + Installation scripts + Management utilities etc.

Please note that Linux is now packaged for different uses in Linux distributions, which contain the sometimes modified kernel along with a variety of other software packages tailored to different requirements such as:

    Various embedded devices
    Mobile phones

Source: https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Who_created_Linux