MongoDb - Element Query Operator - $type
The $type operator selects the documents where the value of the field is an instance of the specified numeric BSON type and useful when dealing with unstructured data where data types are not predictable.
List of types in mongodb can be used
Type Description | Type value |
Double | 1 |
String | 2 |
Object | 3 |
Array | 4 |
Binary data | 5 |
Object id | 7 |
Boolean | 8 |
Date | 9 |
Null | 10 |
Regular expression | 11 |
JavaScript code | 13 |
Symbol | 14 |
JavaScript code with scope | 15 |
32-bit integer | 16 |
Timestamp | 17 |
64-bit integer | 18 |
Min key | 255 |
Max key | 127 |
Our database name is 'myinfo' and our collection name is 'testtable'. Here, is the collection bellow.
Sample collection "testtable"
{ "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e630fe5e6467e58ae7b"), "user_id" : "user1", "password" : "1a2b3c", "sex" : "Male", "age" : 17, "date_of_join" : "16/10/2010", "education" : "M.C.A.", "profession" : "CONSULTANT", "interest" : "MUSIC", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "MODERN MUSIC", "CLASSICAL MUSIC", "WESTERN MUSIC" ], "community_moder_id" : [ "MR. Alex", "MR. Dang", "MR Haris" ], "community_members" : [ 700, 200, 1500 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "kumar", "harry", "anand" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "Amir", "Raja", "mont" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e720fe5e6467e58ae7c"), "user_id" : "user2", "password" : "11aa1a", "sex" : "Male", "age" : 24, "date_of_join" : "17/10/2009", "education" : "M.B.A.", "profession" : "MARKETING", "interest" : " MUSIC", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "MODERN MUSIC", "CLASSICAL MUSIC", "WESTERN MUSIC" ], "co mmunity_moder_id" : [ "MR. Roy", "MR. Das", "MR Doglus" ], "community_members" : [ 500, 300, 1400 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "pal", "viki", "john" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "jalan", "mono j", "evan" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e7e0fe5e6467e58ae7d"), "user_id" : "user3", "password" : "b1c1d1", "sex" : "Female", "age" : 19, "date_of_join" : "16/10/2010", "education" : "M.C.A.", "profession" : "IT COR.", "interest" : "AR T", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "MODERN ART", "CLASSICAL ART", "WESTERN ART" ], "community_mo der_id" : [ "MR. Rifel", "MR. Sarma", "MR Bhatia" ], "community_members" : [ 5000, 2000, 1500 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "philip", "anant", "alan" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "Amir", "Raja", "mont" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e910fe5e6467e58ae7e"), "user_id" : "user4", "password" : "abczyx", "sex" : "Female", "age" : 22, "date_of_join" : "17/8/2009", "education" : "M.B.B.S.", "profession" : "DOCTOR", "interest" : "SPORTS", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "ATHELATIC", "GAMES FAN GYES", "FAVOURIT GAMES" ], "community_moder_id" : [ "MR. Paul", "MR. Das", "MR Doglus" ], "community_members" : [ 2500, 2200, 3500 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "vinod", "viki", "john" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "jalan", "monoj", "evan" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4f8a0fe5e6467e58ae7f"), "user_id" : "user5", "password" : "user5", "sex" : "Male", "age" : 21, "date_of_join" : "17/08/2011", "education" : "MCA", "profession" : "S.W. Engineer", "interest" : "SPORTS", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "ATHELATIC", "GAMES FAN GYES", "FAVOURIT GAMES" ] } }
Document written in command prompt
MongoDB conditional operator - $type example
If we want to fetch documents from the collection "testtable" which containing the BSON type Embedded Object "friends" under "extra", the following mongodb command can be used :
>db.testtable.find({"extra.friends" : {$type : 3}}).pretty()
N.B. find() method displays the documents in a non structured format but to display the results in a formatted way, the pretty() method can be used.
Output of the command
{ "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e630fe5e6467e58ae7b"), "user_id" : "user1", "password" : "1a2b3c", "sex" : "Male", "age" : 17, "date_of_join" : "16/10/2010", "education" : "M.C.A.", "profession" : "CONSULTANT", "interest" : "MUSIC", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "MODERN MUSIC", "CLASSICAL MUSIC", "WESTERN MUSIC" ], "community_moder_id" : [ "MR. Alex", "MR. Dang", "MR Haris" ], "community_members" : [ 700, 200, 1500 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "kumar", "harry", "anand" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "Amir", "Raja", "mont" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e720fe5e6467e58ae7c"), "user_id" : "user2", "password" : "11aa1a", "sex" : "Male", "age" : 24, "date_of_join" : "17/10/2009", "education" : "M.B.A.", "profession" : "MARKETING", "interest" : " MUSIC", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "MODERN MUSIC", "CLASSICAL MUSIC", "WESTERN MUSIC" ], "co mmunity_moder_id" : [ "MR. Roy", "MR. Das", "MR Doglus" ], "community_members" : [ 500, 300, 1400 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "pal", "viki", "john" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "jalan", "mono j", "evan" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e7e0fe5e6467e58ae7d"), "user_id" : "user3", "password" : "b1c1d1", "sex" : "Female", "age" : 19, "date_of_join" : "16/10/2010", "education" : "M.C.A.", "profession" : "IT COR.", "interest" : "AR T", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "MODERN ART", "CLASSICAL ART", "WESTERN ART" ], "community_mo der_id" : [ "MR. Rifel", "MR. Sarma", "MR Bhatia" ], "community_members" : [ 5000, 2000, 1500 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "philip", "anant", "alan" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "Amir", "Raja", "mont" ] } } } { "_id" : ObjectId("528f4e910fe5e6467e58ae7e"), "user_id" : "user4", "password" : "abczyx", "sex" : "Female", "age" : 22, "date_of_join" : "17/8/2009", "education" : "M.B.B.S.", "profession" : "DOCTOR", "interest" : "SPORTS", "extra" : { "community_name" : [ "ATHELATIC", "GAMES FAN GYES", "FAVOURIT GAMES" ], "community_moder_id" : [ "MR. Paul", "MR. Das", "MR Doglus" ], "community_members" : [ 2500, 2200, 3500 ], "friends" : { "valued_friends_id" : [ "vinod", "viki", "john" ], "ban_friends_id" : [ "jalan", "monoj", "evan" ] } } }