
PHP - Handling Cookies

Setting Cookies :

Cookies are a way to store small pieces of data on the client's browser. Cookies are commonly used to remember user preferences, track sessions, and perform various other tasks. Here's how you can set cookies in PHP:

Using the setcookie() Function:

The setcookie() function is used to set cookies in PHP. Cookies are then sent to the client's browser as part of the HTTP response.

setcookie('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', time() + 3600, '/');

'cookie_name': The name of the cookie.

'cookie_value': The value of the cookie.

time() + 3600: The expiration time in seconds from the current time (1 hour in this case).

'/': The path where the cookie is accessible (root path in this case).

Setting Additional Cookie Parameters:

You can set additional parameters for cookies, such as the domain, secure flag, HTTP-only flag, and more.

setcookie('user_id', '123', time() + 3600, '/', 'example.com', true, true);

'user_id': The name of the cookie.

'123': The value of the cookie.

time() + 3600: The expiration time in seconds from the current time (1 hour).

'/': The path where the cookie is accessible.

'example.com': The domain where the cookie is accessible (subdomains can access if specified).

true: The secure flag (cookie is only sent over HTTPS).

true: The HTTP-only flag (cookie is not accessible via JavaScript).

Working with Multiple Cookies:

You can set multiple cookies by calling the setcookie() function multiple times.

setcookie('username', 'john', time() + 3600, '/');

setcookie('language', 'en', time() + 3600, '/');

Setting Cookies with Arrays or Objects:

You can serialize arrays or objects and store them in cookies.

$data = ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 30];

$serializedData = serialize($data);

setcookie('user_data', $serializedData, time() + 3600, '/');

Remember Me Functionality:

Cookies are often used for implementing "Remember Me" functionality in login systems.

if ($rememberMe) {
    setcookie('user_id', $userId, time() + 86400 * 30, '/');

Deleting Cookies:

To delete a cookie, set its expiration time to a past value.

setcookie('cookie_name', '', time() - 3600, '/');

Remember that cookies are stored on the client's browser and can be easily manipulated by users. As a result, avoid storing sensitive or critical information directly in cookies. Additionally, use cookies responsibly and ensure they are compliant with privacy and data protection regulations.

Retrieving Cookies :

retrieving cookies allows you to access the data that you previously stored in cookies on the client's browser. Cookies are often used to store user preferences, session information, and more. Here's how you can retrieve cookies in PHP:

Using the $_COOKIE Superglobal:

The $_COOKIE superglobal variable in PHP is used to retrieve the values of cookies sent by the client's browser.

$cookieValue = $_COOKIE['cookie_name'];

Replace 'cookie_name' with the actual name of the cookie you want to retrieve.

Checking if a Cookie Exists:

Before accessing a cookie value, it's a good practice to check if the cookie exists to prevent errors.

if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie_name'])) {
    $cookieValue = $_COOKIE['cookie_name'];

Retrieving Multiple Cookies:

You can retrieve multiple cookies using the $_COOKIE superglobal.

$username = $_COOKIE['username'];

$language = $_COOKIE['language'];

Decoding Serialized Data:

If you stored serialized data in a cookie, you need to unserialize it to access the original data.

$serializedData = $_COOKIE['user_data'];

$userData = unserialize($serializedData);

Using Default Values:

To avoid errors when retrieving cookies that might not exist, you can use a default value or a ternary operator.

$username = isset($_COOKIE['username']) ? $_COOKIE['username'] : 'Guest';

URL Decoding:

Cookie values are URL-encoded when sent by the browser. Use urldecode() to decode them.

$decodedValue = urldecode($_COOKIE['encoded_cookie']);

Remember that cookies are stored on the client's side and can be manipulated by users. Therefore, sensitive or critical information should not be stored directly in cookies. Always validate and sanitize cookie values before using them in your application. Additionally, ensure that you comply with privacy and data protection regulations when handling user data.

Cookie Expiry and Path :

setting the expiry time and path for cookies is important for controlling their lifespan and accessibility. Expiry time determines how long a cookie remains valid, while the path determines on which paths of your website the cookie is accessible. Here's how you can manage cookie expiry and path in PHP:

Cookie Expiry:

The expiry time of a cookie defines how long the cookie remains valid before it expires. After the expiry time has passed, the browser will automatically remove the cookie. You can set the expiry time when creating a cookie using the setcookie() function.

// Set a cookie that expires in 1 day

setcookie('user_id', '123', time() + 86400, '/');

In the example above, time() + 86400 calculates the expiration time as the current time plus 24 hours (1 day). Adjust the time value to set the desired expiry duration.

Cookie Path:

The path of a cookie determines on which paths of your website the cookie is accessible. By default, a cookie is accessible on the path of the current script that set the cookie. You can specify a custom path to make the cookie accessible across different parts of your website.

// Set a cookie accessible across the entire website

setcookie('user_id', '123', time() + 3600, '/');

In the example above, the last parameter '/' specifies that the cookie is accessible on the root path of the website. If you set the path to '/', the cookie will be accessible throughout the entire domain. If you set a specific path like '/subfolder/', the cookie will only be accessible within that subfolder.

Full Example with Expiry and Path:

// Set a cookie that expires in 7 days and is accessible on the entire domain

setcookie('remember_token', 'abcdef123456', time() + 604800, '/');

In this example:

'remember_token' is the name of the cookie.

'abcdef123456' is the value of the cookie.

time() + 604800 calculates the expiry time as the current time plus 7 days (604800 seconds).

'/' specifies that the cookie is accessible on the entire domain.

Remember that the expiry time and path determine how long the cookie remains valid and where it's accessible. Always set appropriate values based on your application's requirements. Additionally, keep in mind that cookies are stored on the client's browser and can be manipulated, so avoid storing sensitive information directly in cookies.

Deleting Cookies :

deleting cookies is important when you no longer need a specific cookie to be stored on the client's browser. Deleting cookies involves setting their expiration time to a past value, which essentially instructs the browser to remove the cookie. Here's how you can delete cookies in PHP:

Using the setcookie() Function with Past Expiry Time:

To delete a cookie, you can set its expiry time to a past value using the setcookie() function.

// Delete the 'user_id' cookie

setcookie('user_id', '', time() - 3600, '/');

In the example above, time() - 3600 sets the expiry time to one hour ago, effectively removing the cookie from the client's browser.

Unsetting the $_COOKIE Variable:

You can also unset a cookie by removing it from the $_COOKIE superglobal array.


// You might also need to clear the cookie from the client's browser

setcookie('user_id', '', time() - 3600, '/');

Using a Cookie Removal Function:

You can encapsulate the process of deleting a cookie in a function for reusability.

function deleteCookie($cookieName) {
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) {
        setcookie($cookieName, '', time() - 3600, '/');

// Call the function to delete a specific cookie

Remember that when you delete a cookie, it will be removed from the client's browser during the next HTTP request-response cycle. Deleting cookies is useful when you no longer need to store specific information or when you want to revoke access to certain data. Always ensure that you follow proper security practices and avoid storing sensitive or critical information directly in cookies.

Secure and HTTP-Only Flags :

the secure and httponly flags for cookies are important security measures to enhance the protection of user data and prevent certain types of attacks. These flags help ensure that cookies are transmitted and accessed securely. Here's how you can use the secure and httponly flags in PHP:

Secure Flag:

The secure flag indicates that the cookie should only be sent over a secure HTTPS connection. This helps prevent the cookie from being intercepted by malicious actors if the connection is not secure.

setcookie('secure_cookie', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', true, true);

In the example above, the secure flag is set to true, which means the cookie will only be transmitted over HTTPS.

HTTP-Only Flag:

The httponly flag prevents cookies from being accessed by JavaScript. This is crucial in protecting cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, where malicious scripts attempt to steal user cookies.

setcookie('http_only_cookie', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', false, true);

In the example above, the httponly flag is set to true, ensuring that the cookie cannot be accessed via JavaScript.

Using Both Flags:

You can combine both flags to create a secure and protected cookie that is transmitted over HTTPS and cannot be accessed by JavaScript.

setcookie('secure_http_only_cookie', 'value', time() + 3600, '/', '', true, true);

In this example, the cookie is secure and can only be accessed by the server, making it less susceptible to attacks.

During Login:

When a user logs in and selects the "Remember Me" option, you generate a unique token, associate it with the user's account, and store it in the database. You also set a cookie on the user's browser with the token.

// Generate a unique token and store it in the database

$token = generateUniqueToken();

storeTokenInDatabase($userId, $token);

// Set a cookie with the token

setcookie('remember_token', $token, time() + 604800, '/');

In this example, the cookie will expire in 7 days (604800 seconds).

Subsequent Visits:

On subsequent visits, you check if the user has the remember-me cookie. If the cookie exists, you look up the associated token in the database. If the token is valid, you log the user in automatically.

if (isset($_COOKIE['remember_token'])) {
    $token = $_COOKIE['remember_token'];
    $userId = getUserIdFromToken($token);
    if ($userId) {
        // Log the user in automatically

Log Out and Cleanup:

When a user logs out, you remove the token from the database and delete the remember-me cookie.

// Remove the token from the database
removeTokenFromDatabase($userId, $token);
// Delete the remember-me cookie
setcookie('remember_token', '', time() - 3600, '/');