
Punjabi Typing - Pronunciation guide for accurate typing

To accurately type in Punjabi, it's essential to understand the pronunciation of Punjabi characters in the Gurmukhi script. Here's a pronunciation guide to help you type Punjabi characters more accurately:

Vowels (Swar):

ਅ (a) - Pronounced like the "a" in "father."

ਆ (ā) - Pronounced like the "a" in "car."

ਇ (i) - Pronounced like the "i" in "sit."

ਈ (ī) - Pronounced like the "ee" in "feet."

ਉ (u) - Pronounced like the "u" in "put."

ਊ (ū) - Pronounced like the "oo" in "food."

ਏ (e) - Pronounced like the "e" in "bed."

ਐ (ai) - Pronounced like the "ai" in "aisle."

ਓ (o) - Pronounced like the "o" in "hot."

ਔ (au) - Pronounced like the "ou" in "out."

Consonants (Vyanjan):

ਕ (k) - Pronounced like the English "k," as in "kite."

ਖ (kh) - Pronounced like the English "kh," with a more pronounced aspiration.

ਗ (g) - Pronounced like the English "g," as in "go."

ਘ (gh) - Pronounced like the English "gh," with a deeper sound.

ਚ (ch) - Pronounced like the English "ch," as in "chat."

ਛ (chh) - Pronounced like the English "chh," with a stronger aspiration.

ਜ (j) - Pronounced like the English "j," as in "jam."

ਝ (jh) - Pronounced like the English "jh," with a deeper sound.

ਟ (ṭ) - Pronounced like the English "ṭ," with a retroflex "t" sound.

ਠ (ṭh) - Pronounced like the English "ṭh," with a retroflex "th" sound.

ਡ (ḍ) - Pronounced like the English "ḍ," with a retroflex "d" sound.

ਢ (ḍh) - Pronounced like the English "ḍh," with a retroflex "dh" sound.

ਤ (t) - Pronounced like the English "t," as in "top."

ਥ (th) - Pronounced like the English "th," as in "think."

ਦ (d) - Pronounced like the English "d," as in "dog."

This guide provides a basic understanding of the pronunciation of Punjabi characters. It's important to note that Punjabi has some unique sounds and pronunciation features, so listening to native speakers and practicing will help you become more accurate in typing Punjabi. Additionally, different keyboard layouts may have specific key mappings for these characters, so be sure to refer to the layout you are using for accurate typing.