
Python - GUI Programming - Frame Widget

The Frame widget in Python is used to organize other widgets on the screen. It acts as a container to group other widgets together. It provides a rectangular area where widgets can be placed.

Creating a Frame widget

To create a Frame widget, we first need to import the tkinter module and then create an instance of the Tk class which will create the main window.

import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()

Then we can create an instance of the Frame class and specify the parent window where we want to place the frame.

frame = tk.Frame(root)

This will create a Frame widget and place it in the main window. The pack() method is used to make the frame visible on the screen.

Adding widgets to a Frame

Once we have created a Frame widget, we can add other widgets to it by using the same procedure we use for adding widgets to a window. Here is an example of how to add a label to the Frame widget:

label = tk.Label(frame, text="Hello, World!")

This will create a Label widget with the text "Hello, World!" and add it to the Frame widget.

Setting Frame properties

We can set various properties for the Frame widget such as background color, border width, etc. Here is an example of how to set the background color of the Frame widget:


This will set the background color of the Frame widget to blue.

Nesting Frames

Frames can also be nested inside other frames to create more complex layouts. Here is an example of how to create a nested frame:

outer_frame = tk.Frame(root)
inner_frame = tk.Frame(outer_frame)

This will create an outer Frame widget and an inner Frame widget. The inner Frame widget is added to the outer Frame widget. The pack() method is used to make both frames visible on the screen.