
Python - GUI Programming - Scale Widget

The Scale widget is used to provide a graphical slider or scale that can be used to obtain values from a fixed range. It is a commonly used graphical user interface (GUI) element in various applications. In Python, the Scale widget is provided by the Tkinter module.

Creating a Scale widget:

To create a Scale widget, we need to import the Tkinter module and create an instance of the Scale class.

import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
scale = tk.Scale(root, from_=0, to=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)

Here, we create a new instance of the Tk() class and store it in the variable root. We then create an instance of the Scale class and store it in the variable scale. The arguments from_ and to define the minimum and maximum values of the scale, and orient is used to set the orientation of the scale.

We then pack the scale widget using the pack() method, and start the main event loop using the mainloop() method of the root window.

Changing the value of the Scale widget:

To change the value of the Scale widget, we can use the set() method of the Scale class. This method takes a single argument, which is the new value to be set.


Here, we set the value of the Scale widget to 50.

Getting the value of the Scale widget:

To get the current value of the Scale widget, we can use the get() method of the Scale class.

value = scale.get()

Here, we get the current value of the Scale widget and store it in the variable value. We then print the value to the console.

Customizing the appearance of the Scale widget:

We can customize the appearance of the Scale widget using various options provided by the Scale class. Some commonly used options are:

  • length: This option is used to set the length of the scale widget.
  • width: This option is used to set the width of the scale widget.
  • showvalue: This option is used to display the current value of the scale widget.
  • tickinterval: This option is used to set the interval at which tick marks should be displayed on the scale.
scale = tk.Scale(root, from_=0, to=100, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=200, width=20, showvalue=True, tickinterval=10)

Here, we set the length of the scale widget to 200 pixels, the width to 20 pixels, and enable the display of the current value and tick marks at intervals of 10 units.

Binding events to the Scale widget:

We can also bind events to the Scale widget, such as the event that is triggered when the value of the Scale widget is changed. To do this, we can use the bind() method of the Scale class.

def scale_changed(event):
    print("New value:", scale.get())
scale.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", scale_changed)

Here, we define a new function scale_changed() that prints the new value of the Scale widget to the console whenever the value is changed. We then bind the function to the Scale widget using the bind() method and the "<ButtonRelease-1>" event.

This is a basic introduction to the Scale widget in Python. With this widget, you can create graphical sliders and scales in your Python GUI applications, allowing users to select values from a fixed range with ease.

import tkinter as tk

# Create a new tkinter window
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Scale Example")

# Define a function to print the current scale value
def print_scale_value(value):
    print(f"The scale value is {value}")

# Create a Scale widget
scale = tk.Scale(

# Create a button to get the current value of the scale
button = tk.Button(
    text="Get Scale Value",
    command=lambda: print_scale_value(scale.get())

# Run the tkinter event loop

This example creates a tkinter window and adds a Scale widget with a range from 0 to 100. The orientation of the widget is horizontal, and the print_scale_value function is set as the command to execute whenever the value of the scale is changed.

The example also adds a button that, when pressed, calls the print_scale_value function and passes in the current value of the scale.

When the program is run and the scale is moved, the current value of the scale is printed to the console. Similarly, when the "Get Scale Value" button is clicked, the current value of the scale is printed to the console.