
Software Testing - Sanity testing

Sanity testing is an important but sometimes overlooked stage in the software development process that keeps an application stable and of high quality. It's a brief, targeted test that helps confirm that, following a small modification or bug patch, a software application's essential features are operating as intended.

Sanity testing's main objective is to confirm that the code's modifications or repairs haven't negatively impacted any of the functionality that already exists. Sanity testing is targeted, as opposed to comprehensive testing techniques that examine the application as a whole. Focusing on particular places where modifications have been made, enables developers and testers to verify that all functions as intended without requiring a comprehensive regression test.

Although they have different uses, smoke and sanity testing are frequently conflated. Sanity testing is more focused and in-depth than smoke testing, which is a wide and superficial method of determining whether the software's fundamental features operate at all. It is used when comprehensive testing is not feasible or necessary, particularly following small upgrades. A failed sanity test is a blatant sign that new problems have been introduced by the recent changes, and the build isn't reliable enough for additional testing.

Sanity testing is typically done informally and doesn't necessitate a lot of paperwork. This comes as a result of the emphasis on efficiency and quickness. Usually, testers just need to quickly verify that the main functionalities of the program are still operational; they don't require extensive test cases. The team can proceed with more thorough testing or carry out the deployment if the sanity test is successful.

In agile development contexts, where changes are rapid and software stability needs to be verified fast, sanity testing is very helpful. It serves as a safety net, identifying obvious problems before they become more serious ones. Because issues are found early in the development cycle, there is less chance of deploying software that is flawed, which saves time and money.

Sanity testing is essentially about confidence. Knowing that the most recent modifications haven't broken the program provides the development and testing teams with the confidence they need to keep working on the project. Even though it could seem like a little step, it's an essential one in the quality assurance procedure since it guarantees that the software will continue to be sturdy and dependable even after changes.