
Software Testing - Smoke testing

Smoke testing, often known as "build verification testing," is an initial assessment to make sure that a software build's critical components operate as intended. It functions as an early warning system to identify significant problems prior to the start of more thorough testing. Smoke testing is important because it maintains build stability by avoiding extensive testing on unstable versions and helps detect key issues early on, saving time and resources. Additionally, it boosts confidence that the build is stable for additional testing and confirms build quality, ensuring that only functioning builds are carried forward.

Identifying essential features and developing straightforward test cases that cover them are the first steps in performing smoke testing. Run the tests on the latest build after automating them to reduce the need for regular testing. Examine the outcomes; if the build passes, move on to thorough testing; if not, indicate problems for fixing. Simple tests, frequent testing with each new build, clear issue documentation and communication, and automating the process by adding smoke testing into your CI/CD pipeline are all examples of best practices. Maintaining build stability and making sure software is developed effectively and to a high standard need smoke testing.