
SQL - Select Database

In SQL, the "SELECT DATABASE" statement is used to select a specific database for subsequent operations. The availability and syntax of the statement may vary depending on the database management system you are using. However, the general concept remains the same.

Connect to the Database Management System (DBMS):

Before selecting a database, you need to establish a connection to the DBMS using appropriate credentials. This can be done using tools like the command-line interface, SQL client software, or programming languages with database connectivity support.

List the available databases:

Use the appropriate command to list the databases available in the DBMS. For example, in MySQL, you can use the following command:


Choose the desired database:

Once you have the list of databases, identify the one you want to work with and use the "USE" statement or its equivalent to select it. The syntax may vary depending on the DBMS. Here's an example using MySQL:

USE database_name;

Verify the database selection:

You can confirm that the database selection was successful by executing a simple SQL query, such as retrieving data from a table within the selected database.

It's important to note that the method of selecting a database may vary depending on the database management system you are using. Some DBMSs might not require explicit selection of a database, as they may assume a default database based on the user's credentials. Additionally, certain programming languages or frameworks provide their own mechanisms for specifying the database to work with.

Therefore, it's recommended to consult the documentation or specific resources for the DBMS you are using to get detailed instructions on how to select a database in that particular system.