
Unix - Decision Making

In Unix, many decisions are made through the use of shell commands and scripts, which allow for automation and efficient management of various tasks. Unix decision making involves using various built-in commands, utilities, and programming tools to automate tasks and create efficient workflows.

Some examples of Unix commands used in decision making include:

if-else statements: These are used to perform conditional tests and execute different commands based on the result of the test. For example, the following script checks if a file exists and performs a different action depending on the result:

if [ -e file.txt ]; then

    echo "File exists"


    echo "File does not exist"


switch statements: These are used to execute different commands based on the value of a variable. For example:

case $variable in











test and comparison commands: These are used to compare values or test conditions. For example:

[ $value1 -eq $value2 ]    # test if value1 equals value2

[ $value1 -lt $value2 ]    # test if value1 is less than value2

[ -e file.txt ]            # test if file.txt exists

logical operators: These are used to combine conditions and create more complex tests. For example:

[ $value1 -lt 10 -a $value2 -gt 20 ]    # test if value1 is less than 10 AND value2 is greater than 20

[ -e file.txt -o -e otherfile.txt ]     # test if file.txt OR otherfile.txt exists

Overall, Unix decision making involves using a combination of shell commands and scripts to automate tasks and create efficient workflows. By mastering these tools, users can make informed decisions and quickly execute complex tasks.