
Unix - What is Shell ?

In Unix/Linux, a shell is a command-line interface that provides a way for users to interact with the operating system and execute commands. The shell is a program that runs on top of the operating system and provides a text-based interface for users to enter commands.

There are several types of shells available in Unix/Linux, including Bash, Zsh, Ksh, and Csh, among others. These shells have slightly different features and syntax, but they all provide a similar set of basic functionality.

The shell accepts commands typed in by the user and executes them. These commands can include things like moving or copying files, starting or stopping programs, or manipulating system settings. The shell also provides features like input/output redirection, piping, and command substitution, which allow users to combine commands in powerful ways to perform complex tasks.

Overall, the shell is an essential component of Unix/Linux systems, and learning how to use the shell is an important part of becoming proficient in these operating systems.