
Visual Basic .NET - Keywords

In VB.NET, a keyword is a reserved word that has a specific meaning in the programming language. These words are reserved and cannot be used as variable names or identifiers. Keywords are used to define the structure and syntax of the code and they serve as a fundamental building block in VB.NET programming.

Here is a list of some of the commonly used keywords in VB.NET along with their usage:

1 - AddHandler 2 - AddressOf 3 - Alias 4 - And 5 - AndAlso 6 - As Boolean 7 - ByRef 8 - Byte 9 - ByVal 10 - Call 11 - Case Catch 12 - CBool 13 - CByte 14 - CChar 15 - CDate 16 - CDbl CDec 17 - Char 18 - Cint 19 - Class 20 - CLng 21 - CObj Const 22 - Continue 23 - CSByte 24 - CShort 25 - CSng 26 - CStr CType 27 - CUnit 28 - CULng 29 - CUShort 30 - Date 31 - Decimal Declare 32 - Default 33 - Delegate 34 - Dim 35 - DirectCast 36 - Do Double 37 - Each 38 - Else 39 - Elseif 40 - End 41 - End if Enum 42 - Erase 43 - Error 44 - Event 45 - Exit 46 - False Finally 47 - For 48 - Friend 49 - Function 50 - Get 51 - GetType GetXML Namespace 52 - Global 53 - GoTO 54 - Handles 55 - If 56 - Implements Imports 57 - In 58 - Inherits 59 - Integer 60 - Interface 61 - Is isNot 62 - Let 63 - Lib 64 - Like 65 - Long 66 - Loop Me 67 - Mod 68 - Module 69 - MustInherit 70 - MustOverride 71 - MyBase MyClass 72 - Namespace 73 - Narrowing 74 - New 75 - Next 76 - Not Nothing 77 - Not Inheritable 78 - Not Overridable 79 - Object 80 - Of 81 - On Operator 82 - Option 83 - Optional 84 - Or 85 - OrElse 86 - Overloads Overridable 87 - Overrides 88 - ParamArray 89 - Partial 90 - Private 91 - Property Protected 92 - Public 93 - RaiseEvent 94 - ReadOnly 95 - ReDim 96 - REM Remove Handler 97 - Resume 98 - Return 99 - SByte 100 - Select 101 - Set Shadows 102 - Shared 103 - Short 104 - Single 105 - Static 106 - Step Stop 107 - String 108 - Structure 109 - Sub 110 - SyncLock 111 - Then Throw 112 - To 113 - TRUE 114 - Try 115 - TryCast 116 - TypeOf UInteger 117 - While 118 - Widening 119 - With 120 - WithEvents 121 - WhiteOnly Xor 122 - #Else 123 - IsReference 124 - TimeOfDay 125 - Append 126 - Auto