Visual Basic .NET - Menu Control
The VB.NET Menu Control is used to create menus in a Windows form application. It provides various options to create hierarchical menus, shortcuts, submenus, and separators. Here are some of the basic properties, methods, and events of the VB.NET Menu Control:
- Name : Gets or sets the name of the control.
- Text: Gets or sets the text associated with the control.
- MenuItems: Gets the collection of items contained in the menu.
- Enabled: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
- Visible: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.
- Add: Adds a new menu item to the menu.
- Remove: Removes the specified menu item from the menu.
- PerformClick: Raises the Click event for the menu item.
- Click: Occurs when the menu item is clicked.
- Popup: Occurs when the menu is about to be displayed.
- Select: Occurs when the menu item is selected.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Create a new menu item
Dim menuItem As New MenuItem("File")
' Add sub menu items to it
Dim subMenuItem1 As New MenuItem("Open")
Dim subMenuItem2 As New MenuItem("Save")
' Add the main menu item to the menu
End Sub
End Class
This code creates a menu with a "File" menu item, which has "Open" and "Save" as sub-menu items. The menu is added to the form using the MainMenu control.
Creating a drop-down menu:
Private Sub CreateDropDownMenu()
' Create a new menu item
Dim fileMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("File")
' Create sub-items and add them to the menu
Dim newMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("New")
Dim openMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("Open")
Dim saveMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("Save")
' Add the menu to the form
End Sub
Adding keyboard shortcuts to menu items:
Private Sub AddKeyboardShortcuts()
' Set the shortcut key for the "New" menu item
Dim newMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(MenuStrip1.Items("File").DropDownItems("New"), ToolStripMenuItem)
newMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = CType((Keys.Control Or Keys.N), Keys)
' Set the shortcut key for the "Open" menu item
Dim openMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(MenuStrip1.Items("File").DropDownItems("Open"), ToolStripMenuItem)
openMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = CType((Keys.Control Or Keys.O), Keys)
' Set the shortcut key for the "Save" menu item
Dim saveMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(MenuStrip1.Items("File").DropDownItems("Save"), ToolStripMenuItem)
saveMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = CType((Keys.Control Or Keys.S), Keys)
End Sub
Creating a context menu:
Private Sub CreateContextMenu()
' Create a new context menu
Dim contextMenu As New ContextMenuStrip()
' Create menu items and add them to the context menu
Dim cutMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("Cut")
Dim copyMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("Copy")
Dim pasteMenuItem As New ToolStripMenuItem("Paste")
' Associate the context menu with a control
TextBox1.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenu
End Sub
Adding images to menu items:
Private Sub AddImages()
' Set the image for the "New" menu item
Dim newMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(MenuStrip1.Items("File").DropDownItems("New"), ToolStripMenuItem)
newMenuItem.Image = My.Resources.NewIcon
' Set the image for the "Open" menu item
Dim openMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(MenuStrip1.Items("File").DropDownItems("Open"), ToolStripMenuItem)
openMenuItem.Image = My.Resources.OpenIcon
' Set the image for the "Save" menu item
Dim saveMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem = CType(MenuStrip1.Items("File").DropDownItems("Save"), ToolStripMenuItem)
saveMenuItem.Image = My.Resources.SaveIcon
End Sub