
Yoga Instructor Course - Eight step method

The Asanas in YIC are practiced with a specially designed method called 8 step method, which help to understand the depth of the asana. Which include Name, meaning complementary posture demonstration benefits limitation of different asana.

Step 1

Name the Asana which is being taught. It should be communicated in English, Sanskrit and the local language.

Meaning of the Asana For ex: Padahastasana -Hand to foot Posture Justification for the Asana.

Category of the Asana : Explains whether the asana is cultural meditative or relaxing posture.

Complementary for the Asana : Which asana should be followed by this asana.

Type of the Asana : Explains whether the asana is prone, supine, standing or sitting.

Number of counts : 4 or 8

Step 2 : Demonstration

Explains about How to do particular asana, entire procedure, starting posture relaxation posture and breathing during the procedure

Step 3 : Benefits and limitation of asana

Explains about Benefit of asana and where exactly to avoid that asana.

Step 4 : Individual Practice

The class will follow the instructor and the demonstration if any correction instructor has to correct.

Step 5 : Practice in pair

Class will be divided into two groups, while one group performs asana, the other group or teacher will correct posture if necessary.

Step 6 : Key points

This step concentrates on subtle points such as keeping the knee straight, closing eyes, breathing involved in the practice with explanation.

Step 7 : Whole group practice

With all the points mentioned in the previous step whole class performs the asana to ensure all are doing in right procedure.

Step 8 : Question and Answer

If there is any question regarding asana participants can clarify with teacher.

This way we ensure that one asana is properly thought of in 8 different steps to understand the depth of asana.

Here is one example for 8 step method with one asana.

Step 1

Name : Padahastasana
Meaning : Hand to foot posture
Justification : It is a forward bending procedure
Type : Standing
Category : Cultural
Complimentary : Ardha chakrasana
Counts : 8

Step 2 Demonstration

  • Silent demonstration
  • Demonstration with counts
  • Demonstration with counts breathing and explanation

Step 3

Benefits : Makes spine flexible and strengthens the thighs
Limitation :  People with vertigo, severe hypertension

Step 4 Individual practice

Whole class practices according to the instruction of the teacher.

Step 5 Practice in Pairs

Class will be divided into two groups, while one group performs asana, the other group or teacher will correct posture if necessary.

Step 6 Key points

  • Eye closed
  • Knees and back straight

Step 7 Whole group practice

With all the points mentioned in the previous step whole class performs the asana to ensure all are doing in right procedure.

Step 8

Question and answer with closing prayer.


 - Vivekananda Health Global