Computer Basics - Windows XP
•Windows XP
–Starts when computer is turned on
–Elements of the desktop
•Date/Time control
•Start button
•Notification area
•Windows XP desktop uses a graphical user interface
•Graphical user interface (GUI)
–Displays icons to represent items stored on the computer
•Icons: Pictures of familiar objects
–Area that appears on the screen when Windows XP starts
–A workspace for projects and tools
–Uses default settings when the computer is first started
•Default settings: settings preset by the operating system
–Appearance can be changed by the user
•A pointing device
–Helps the user interact with objects on the computer screen
–Comes in many shapes and sizes
–Most common pointing device
–Appear when the mouse pointer is positioned over certain objects
–Display the purpose or function of the object
–Figure 1-3 shows a ScreenTip
–Pressing a mouse button and immediately releasing it
–A list of options which can be used to perform tasks
•Start menu
–Appears when the Start button is clicked
–Provides access to programs, documents, etc.
•Selecting a menu command
–Two possible ways of selecting objects in Windows XP
•Pointing to an object
•Pointing to and then clicking an object
–A selected object is highlighted
•Viewing the contents of the Recycle Bin
•Click the desktop, and then point to the Recycle Bin icon. After a few moments, a ScreenTip appears that describes the Recycle Bin
•Click the left mouse button twice quickly to double-click the Recycle Bin icon. The Recycle Bin opens
–Clicking an object with the right button of the mouse
–Selects an object and opens its shortcut menu
•Shortcut menu: a list of options directly related to the object