
Nudi Software - Kannada Typing on Ubuntu

Writing Kannada Documents
•Please use only UNICODE font - Lohit Kannada. It is already installed in Ubuntu, you have to install it in Windows.
•All nudi fonts are not unicode, and UNICODE is the international and universal open standard that is being used.

Reading Kannada Documents
•If you are not able to read Kannada documents , it is because the font is not installed, you will have to install the font.

Operating System: Ubuntu
Software Font
Keyboard Mapping SCIM
Unicode- Lohit
Kn-kgp – Nudi
kn-itrans – Baraha
ASCII - Nudi
Unicode- Lohit
Using SCIM as the Input method
The SCIM Input method is used to input different languages, most often Asian languages like Chinese, Japanese or Korean, but it can be used to input many other languages as well. SCIM needs to be triggered to be used with any application. The default trigger is CTRL and SPACE keys on the keyboard.

A small tab will pop up at the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on the tab to choose Kannada. Kn-itrans method can be chosen if you need to use the transliteration key map (Baraha Style). Kn-kgp can be used to input method using the Kannada Ganaka parishat key-map (Nudi style).
Please note that only Arkavattu works a little different here ( Eg to type surya, we need to press sUrfy, instead of the usual sUyF).
Setting up Kannada Language in OpenOffice.org, Ubuntu and Windows.
Click on system → administration → Language support
Choose scim-immodule in the input method box.
Log off and login again to see the effects.
Open OpenOffice.org Word processor by clicking on Application → Office → OpenOffice.org Word
Click on Tools → Options → Language settings → Languages
Check Enabled for Complex Text Layout(CTL) and Choose Kannada in Default languages for
Documents (CTL)
Click on OK