
Nudi Software - Knowledge of Nudi Software

Word processing
Open Office
OpenOffice (same as LibreOffice) is a public software useful for making documents, spreadsheets and presentation files. OpenOffice Writer is very similar to MS Word. OpenOffice Calc is similar to Excel.

OpenOffice Impress is like MS Powerpoint. OpenOffice works on both Windows and Ubuntu. Using OpenOffice writer, you can type reports, documents, edit them, format them well and save them in many document formats - .odt, .html, .doc (.xls, .ppt) , .docx (.xlsx, .pptx) etc. It also has an 'export to PDF' option for making PDF document with a single click.

Department of Information Technology, Government of India has recommended the ODF format used in OpenOffice/LibreOffice as the standard for documents used in government.
Activity 1
Purpose: To write a document using Open Office Writer
Select Application > Office >OpenOffice.org Word Processor

Type the following Passage into the Open Office Writer

What is Public Software?
Software developed for public service, and especially in government, has a unique context and objectives deriving from those of public service; with its imperative of providing public goods and ensuring equity and social justice.

You can try the following option to format the text
1.Bold the heading
2.Make the heading centered

Select Menu Option File > Save As to save the file, name the file About-Public-Software. A file called About-Public-Software.odt will be created in your folder Documents.
Activity 2
Purpose: To create a table in Open Office Word Processor
Select Application > Office > OpenOffice.org Word Processor
Select Menu Option File > Open (Ctrl +O)
Open File About-Public Software.odt
Select Menu Option Table > Insert >Table
Insert a Table
Select Columns = 3 Rows = 5 and Press Okay
Enter the following data from the table below Save the file.

Peer review using OpenOffice
For peer review of our resources, it is very useful to use the 'record changes' in OpenOffice. This helps us to make changes in a document and also the changes can be automatically accepted WITHOUT retyping the corrections. It saves a lot of time and also becomes a digital record of peer review.
To record changes, click on 'Edit – Changes' and check / tick the Record option. The Show option should also be checked/ticked.
Now any correction or change or deletion in the document will be shown separately in colour. The editor can make all changes in this way. More than one person can make changes to same document. The name of the editor will be shown when we move the cursor over the change.
When the author receives the document, she can 'accept' or 'reject' each change by right-clicking on the change. To accept all changes, author can click on 'Edit – Changes – Accept or Reject' . See image below.
Automatic Table of contents
OpenOffice can help you create table of contents, with page numbers, automatically.
To do this, select / mark a heading in your document and then select the 'Heading 1' in top left corner in the formatting tool bar (usually will be Text body or Default'). This will make that selected text, as a 'Heading 1'. You can use Heading 2 for the next sub heading, heading 3 for the next sub heading etc.
When finished, you can go to the beginning of the document and click 'Insert – Indexes and Tables – Indexes and Tables' to insert a Table of Contents.
If you make any changes to the document headings, you can go to the Table of Contents created, right click and select 'Update Index/table'.