1. Tag Based Invalidation
2. PHP and Performance Optimization
3. Identifying performance bottlenecks
4. PHP and Regular Expressions
5. Catching Exceptions
6. Uploading files and handling file uploads
7. Implementing All Types Of Authentication in PHP
8. Working with streams and contexts
9. File system manipulation
10. Reading and writing to files
11. Use Cases
12. Passing Anonymous Functions as Arguments
13. Invoking Anonymous Functions
14. Custom Exception Classes
15. Exception Hierarchies and Order
16. PHP Data Security
17. OAuth and Single Sign On (SSO)
18. Throwing Exceptions
19. Composer Autoloading
20. Autoloading classes
21. Multiple Traits
22. Method Priority
23. Using a Trait
24. Declaring a Trait
25. Interface
26. Extending Abstract Classes
27. Handling HTTP headers
28. Cache invalidation strategies
29. Memcached Caching
30. Windows Integrated Authentication
31. Form Based Authentication
32. API Keys
33. Mutual TLS (Transport Layer Security)
34. Bearer Token Authentication
35. Digest Authentication
36. Basic Authentication
37. Handling Cookies
38. Abstract Classes
39. Authentication and Authorization
40. Committing and Rolling Back the Transaction
41. Transaction management
42. Fetching Data with PDO
43. Transaction Handling and Fetching Data
44. Binding Parameters and Security Considerations
45. Working with HTTP authentication
46. Connecting to databases using PDO (PHP Data Objects)
47. Session management and security
48. Data Types
49. if...else...elseif Statements
50. Call By Value
51. Functions with Parameters
52. Functions
53. do while loop
54. While Loop
55. foreach loop
56. For Loop
57. Operators
58. Constants
59. User Defined Function
60. $GLOBALS (super global) variable
61. Print Statement
62. Echo Statement
63. Variables
64. Recursive Function
65. Variable Length Argument Function
66. Default Argument Values Function
67. Call By Reference
68. Syntax and Tags
69. Installation
70. Declaring a Class
71. Achieving Polymorphism
72. Interface Polymorphism
73. Destructor Method
74. Constructor Method
75. Visibility
76. Methods
77. Properties
78. Using Class Constants
79. Access Modifiers
80. Creating Objects (Instances)
81. Introduction
82. Polymorphism
83. Inheritance
84. Encapsulation
85. Objects and Classes
86. Review of PHP fundamentals
87. Abstraction
88. Understanding the importance of advanced PHP skills
89. Introduction to Advanced PHP
90. Object Oriented Programming