
Social media - YouTube


1. Create an account on YouTube



YouTube is an online video-sharing platform. It allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to playlists, report, comment on videos, and subscribe to other users Available content includes user generated visuals, video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short original videos, and educational videos e.t.c. The vast majority of its videos are free to view, but there are exceptions, including subscription-based premium channels, film rentals, as well as YouTube Music and YouTube Premium. You can access it as a phone application, go to your App Store, and download it, on your browser, go to www.youtube.com.you can sign in at the top right corner here or just above the different video categories. You must have a google account to fully access youtube, we are going to create a new account, provide requested details, you can also create a new Gmail easily here. Create a password and click on next. add your number and recovery email This is optional but necessary for security purposes. Add your date of birth for age-appropriate content and restrictions, add your gender as well, you can read why all this information is needed. Accept the terms and conditions, your google account is created, click on the lettered circle on the top right corner, click on create a channel, get started. you can either use your google account name and info or create something new and different. Your channel is being created, when you now click the icon you can now see the option to go to your channel. Now you can create and upload content.


2. Optimizing a YouTube channel



Click the lettered circle on the top right corner, why there is a letter there is because there is no profile picture, To change that go to youtube studio. here, you can see your dashboard and other settings related to your account. Go to customization, we are going to focus on branding and basic info so that users get an idea of t your channel is about. Click on branding, here you can add your profile picture, click on upload, you are given recommendations on the appropriate format and size of the image to use, double click on the image you want to use. You can align the side of the image you want to be visible and we are just going to use the logo. Click on done, your profile picture is updated. You can upload your banner image, the red part shows how it's going to be displayed on the various devices, size and formats to use are also recommended. There is a separate lesson on how to create that but if you already have it ready just click on upload and pick your image, same with your watermark. When you are done, click on publish. Now your profile picture is updated. You can give users a simple and quick description of what your account is about. you can check out other established accounts to see what they did, just go to their about tab, we?ll just search for the parent channel. Here you can see the profile picture, banner image. Go to the about tab and now you can see the info, so return to the customization tab and do the needful, add links to other social media or website, contact email, etc. Click on publish, now your channel has been updated, You can always return anytime to make changes


3. Creating YouTube Banner



In this video, we are going to be looking at creating an original banner for your channel, This image above with the quote is a banner. Open a new tab, go to canva.com. you?re given the different options you can sign in with, we?ll just sign in with our google account. Return to your youtube tab, open the youtube studio and go to customization, then branding, here is where to upload your banner image and the appropriate dimensions. Back to your canva tab, just search for youtube, you?re given several youtube designs you can make, check the dimensions and see that it matches with or the closest to that of the banner image. Now you can see different templates and grouped in the niche your channel may fall under. We?ll just pick this one, you can already see guidelines pop-ups, click on the text, you can see the options to edit it above. we?ll just leave it at this one text line, you can adjust your text to be bigger or smaller. Click on the art, or flowers, in this case, we can delete or change color. Click on the background image you can delete or change color. To upload content to use on the canva, go to the sidebar, click on uploads. Choose the type of media you want to upload, drag the image from your desktop or folder, and drop. It gets uploaded for use on your canva, you can also check out the other elements canva provides, just play around with it and get creative, might be confusing at first so practice frequently. Click on the download button to finish your design, choose the format you want. The file will be in your downloads, return to your youtube tab, click on upload. Choose the image, you can see the view according to devices you can align and make changes. Click on done and it is uploaded, click on publish to effect changes. Go to your channel, you can now see the difference as well as your social media provided or website linked on the banner and that?s how you create a banner, you can always go back to the app, try out any ideas and also check what accounts in your niche are doing.


4. Multiple account managers on YouTube



This is a very simple process, first, you want to log into your youtube account. Click on the icon and go to the switch accounts option, here you will see all the youtube channels you have created. Click on the channel you want to add more managers to. Click the icon when you are logged into that channel and come down to settings. You will see the options add or remove managers, click on that, and go to manage permissions, you can see here that there is only one user allowed. Click on the icon on the top right corner. Then out in the email address of your colleague or clients. Then choose the role they will play, if you want to see the details click on more and you can see what different roles indicate. So put in the role and email address and click invite and they will get the notification. That?s simply how you get multiple managers on an account.


5. Video ideas by Competitor analysis



In this video, we are going to find video ideas by competitor research on youtube. Get a spreadsheet or a note where you can write down video titles and video link, Type in a product name, service, or topic now we can see a list of videos talking about that subject, the type of videos being made about the key word and the number of views they get. We will copy the title of the video and the link. The purpose of this isn?t to hijack the video idea but to get a sense of what they did and help you grow and create in-demand content. Go to the channels in your niche, sort their videos by the most popular and source for ideas. Save them to study later. Search as many channels as you can to map out your content for a certain period of time and the type of videos that gets views in your niche.


6. Easy way to use vidiq



In this video, we are going to learn how to use vidiq to grow your youtube account. Vidiq is a browser extension for chrome and it shows you extra statistics about your own video on the watch page and shows you insight into competitor youtube channel. It?s a free chrome browser extension that you can add to your chrome, once you download and do that and go to your youtube page you will see all this extra information. One of the best information provided is video tags, you can see the tag or keywords that this video is ranking in the search engine. This helps you to optimize your videos and help you get high ranking titles, you can see what you are ranking for and adjust your titles to get higher ranking. Getting social shares is a key part of getting views, you can look at the websites that share similar videos to your or accounts on social media and contact them in case they would love to have interest in your video since it?s a related topic. You can also get more information on the channels as well, like how much monthly revenue it earns. It gives you information about how competitive keywords are, so you want to be creating videos with high search volumes and low competition. That is how you can use qidiq to look at your competition and see how videos are ranking


7. Find video ideas by Keywords



Keywords are what people type into the search bar to find solutions to the problems they have or the entertainment they need. so we are going to do keyword research by using three different methods, first is through using the youtube autocomplete feature, you might want to use private browsing so that your previous search history does not distort it. Just type in how-to and you can see the top searches for how to pops up. You can use other keywords. Type in the keyword (SEO tutorial) because they google keyword everywhere on chrome extensions installed the search volume and the cost per click can be seen. Firstly, you need to get this installed. It can either be installed on chrome or firefox. The main benefit is that it shows you the search volume underneath the search box, not only will you know that the topic SEO tutorial is interesting you?ll also see that it has great search volume on Google and if people are searching for it on google they are also searching for it on YouTube. You can look for autosuggestion, take a title that?s a little bit longer and test it out as well. Let?s use the SEO tutorial for beginners. You can see that it has four hundred and eighty searches per month. Not only will you be a position to run for SEO tutorials you will also pick up searches for people who type in SEO tutorials for beginners. Even if you extend to SEO tutorial for beginners 2016, it doesn?t get any specific searches on youtube but on google it probably will because a lot of people search for it to get up-to-date views. So that is the step. Once you?ve found maybe some suggestions on youtube using the autocomplete feature. What you will do is come in here and get the search volumes for those keywords. You can find out if it is a popular keyword. You can test all the variations and the length of the keyword phrases using the keyword everywhere tool. Cost per click (CPC) is how much advertisers within google are paying to advertise for this particular term. If advertisers are paying two dollars and seven cents per click for the term you will it?s quite a valuable term. Someone who may be searching for SEO tutorials might be inclined to buy my course on SEO tutorial which is essentially what I want them to do. As well as using the autocomplete and keyword everywhere you can use the keyword planner tool. This is a free tool that you can use. You can just type in the google keyword planner. It is very easy to set up an account. The google keyword planner is a tool within Google Adwords so you just need to sign in to Adwords. They might try and get you to create a campaign once you open the AdWords but you can actually skip that process by clicking the skip that campaign button at the bottom. You need to come into tools and click on keyword planner and it?s going to give you a lot more information. You can come in to search for new keywords, put in a topic, and click on get ideas. Then you will see the search volume and some of the keywords people are searching for. Again, these are just more ideas you can have to create videos and topics you can see the popularity of it all. Going back a step, you can see that was targeted to the United States but I?m going to change that because I want to see the search volume for each term globally due to the product and services I?m offering. If you have a local business you can change it to the country you?re serving. The autocomplete is probably the simplest method in keyword research and you can keep using the title as it gets longer and longer to pick additional searches for every term not just for the first keyword. Pick out a topic to get started on video structure. Don?t agonize about the topic to choose. Just pick something and you are going to learn a lot more by going through the process.


8. how to upload videos, on youtube




9. Enabling YouTube Thumbnails




10. Creating YouTube Thumbnails



In this video, we are going to learn how to create customized youtube thumbnails so that you can get a lot more clicks and make it stand out in the search results. It?s a free and quick process. So go to canva.com and click on create a design. Canva has templates for youtube thumbnails. So you can get the right dimension. So come in and click youtube thumbnails and you can see that they are geared towards certain kinds of videos. So if you find one, you pick and drop. You can work with images from your computer or you could go online and search for royalty-free images on websites like pixabay or pexels. Com and search for images related to the topic or what you want. Keep youtube thumbnails as simple as possible because the text on the thumbnail can be really hard to read on your mobile device.


11. Earn money on YouTube



Here, we are going to learn how to monetize your youtube account, you are going to go to youtube.com/account_monetization. You can see that there is an option to apply for monetization. You need about 10000 views on your videos to be approved, you can apply when you are just getting started but to be approved you have to reach that level of views. Making money through your youtube views will require you to get a huge amount of views to make it a sustainable source of income. For a business, monetization of an account isn?t the best way to go but linking sites and other services to sell to people through youtube is a more profitable way to make money on youtube. That is, using youtube as a marketing channel. You can read the guideline and instructions here to check out everything surrounding the monetization of your youtube channel. You can not monetize videos with copyrighted music, controversial topic, and s[certain images. If you are fine with fulfilling all the requirements you can go ahead and apply. So if you have done that you can now see something like this showing your monetization is enabled. If you want to enable or disable monetization on certain videos, click on the video manager, go to the video click on edit, you can see the monetization bar, you can enable monetization, select the type of ads that you want, select where you want those ads to appear and click on save changes. And that?s simply how to enable monetization o your account.


12. YouTube Advertisements



Here, we are going to be looking at how to create your first ad on youtube. To get started, go to adwords.google.com. create your AdWords account, google owns youtube so it?s here you create your ads for youtube. Once you sign in or sign up, go to the video campaign and go to the ad campaign, give it a name. adjust the settings here. Your daily budget, select where you want your ad to appear, your location, language, click save, and continue. Create your ad word group around certain keywords. Provide your youtube URL, select the format of the ad, your cost per view, you can raise your budget if you want to get more views. Choose the audience you want to target, click non-edit, select the gender, age, parental status, the income of your choice, click on done. You can go further to select specific videos and websites, keywords. Etc. and click on done, your campaign is now live.


13. Youtube cards benefits



In this video, you are going to learn how to add a youtube card to your video. A youtube card is normally identified as the info logo on the top right of the video, this is a great way to generate sales, add links to your website or other youtube videos, or even prompt users to make a donation. To add cards you have to first off upload a video. Go to your youtube studio, go to your video manager, choose the video you want to link a card to, and click on edit. At the top are different tabs, click on the card options. Now move your cursor and choose where you want the card to popup. Keep the blue line on the spot and add a card, could be another channel, a website and you can add five cards on a video. Here we are going to add another youtube channel, add the title of your card, your call to action, and your teaser text, and save.


14. How to use youtube tags



This video will show you how to have a better chance of appearing in the search results or in the suggested videos, by default your youtube channel has no tags, click on the channel icon and go to your youtube studio, click on the channel and come down to the advanced section, it's here you add your keywords and add those relevant to what your videos are about, each word is separated by the comma and you can add as many as possible, click on save and now your channel tags have been added.


15. Marketing through Youtube comments



In this video, you are going to learn how to respond to comments on your youtube and also learn how to enable certain settings to reduce the comment spam on your videos. There are different ways of accessing your comments, first is on the watch page of the video when you scroll down you can see the comments and you can reply by clicking on the reply button if the comment has a significant question asked or positive feedback that you want other people to see, click on the three dots by the side and go to pin. This highlights the comment and places it at the top of the comment section, you can do that with your own comment if you have feedback or suggestion, you can also give comments a thumbs up so your viewers see that you appreciate their feedback. Youtube also looks at your comments engagement when they are ranking your videos. This is the easy way when you are starting out but when you have a couple of videos and you want to keep track of the comments, youtube has a dashboard for that so just click on your account icon, go to youtube studio. click on community, you can now see the comments option, you can see the comments and the videos they relate to, you can thumbs up and reply comments here, block spam or block a user that gives negative feedback. Another way to set up rules go to community settings, you can block comments with links, add certain words to be flagged. If you come to your comments section when you go to the held of review you can select them, report spam, etc. it helps you control the kind of comments on your videos and prevents unnecessary cluster.


16. Understanding youtube analytics




17. Easy YouTube Marketing strategy




18. How to increase subscribers on youtube




19. Channel membership on youtube




20. Features of Youtube Music