1. A brief history of C Language
2. Compile and execute C program in Linux and Windows
3. Introduction
5. Variables and Constant
6. Data Types
7. Type Conversion
8. Operators
9. If Condition
10. Short Hand If...Else
11. Switch Case
12. While Loop
13. For Loop
14. Do while loop
15. Break & Continue
16. Arrays
17. Multidimensional Array
18. Strings
19. Strings Special Characters
20. User Input
21. Functions
22. String Library Function
23. Math Functions
24. Pointers
25. Memory Address
26. User Define Function
27. Recursion
28. File Handling
29. Structure
30. Enum
31. Union
32. Program Convert Number to Text
33. Program Matrix Multiplication
34. Program Reverse Number
35. Program Roman to Integer
36. Program Remove Duplicate from Array