1. Introduction
2. History
3. Installation on Windows
4. Fist Program Hello World
6. Variables
7. Data Types
8. Type Casting
9. Operators
10. Math Functions
11. String Functions
12. If Else Condition
13. Short Hand If...Else
14. Switch Case
15. For Loop
16. While Loop
17. Break & Continue
18. Array Part 1
19. Array Part 2
20. OOP Basics
21. OOP Ojects
22. OOP Attributes
23. OOP Methods
24. OOP Constructors
25. OOP Modifiers
26. OOP Modifiers Public
27. OOP Modifiers Private
28. OOP Modifiers Protected
29. OOP Inheritance
30. OOP Inheritance Single
31. OOP Inheritance Multilevel
32. OOP Inheritance Hierarchical
33. OOP Inheritance Multiple Interfaces
34. OOP Polymorphism
35. OOP Inner Class
36. OOP Abstraction
37. OOP Interface
38. User Input Scanner
39. ArrayList
40. LinkedList
41. LinkedList Methods Part 1: Adding Elements
42. LinkedList Methods Part 2: Accessing Elements
43. LinkedList Methods Part 3: Removing Elements
44. LinkedList Methods Part 4: Iterating Over Elements
45. LinkedList Methods Part 5: Utility Methods
46. HashMap
47. HashSet
48. Iterator
49. Java Exceptions Try...Catch
50. Regular Expression
51. Threads
52. File Handling
53. JDBC Introduction
54. JDBC Steps in General
55. JDBC Connecting with Oracle
56. JDBC Connecting with MySQL
57. JDBC Connecting with Access without DSN
58. JDBC DriverManager Class
59. JDBC Connection interface
60. JDBC Statement Interface
61. JDBC ResultSet Interface
62. JDBC PreparedStatement Interface
63. Applet Introduction
64. Applet Hello World Example
65. Applet drawString
66. Applet drawRect
67. Applet fillRect
68. Applet drawOval
69. Applet fillOval
70. Applet drawLine
71. Applet drawImage
72. Applet drawArc
73. Applet fillArc
74. Applet setColor
75. Applet setFont
76. Applet Animation
77. Applet Event handling
78. Applet JApplet
79. Applet Simple Calculator
80. Applet Stop Watch
81. Applet Tic Tac Toe
82. Applet Guess the Word
83. Swing Snake Game
84. Finding Duplicate Elements
85. Converting Amount to Words
86. Program to Swap Two Numbers Using Bitwise Operator
87. Lambda Expressions
88. Files
89. Math Methods
90. How To Find Positive or Negative Numbers
91. Arrays Class
92. Regular Expressions Part 1: Understanding the Basics of Regex in Java
93. Regular Expressions Part 2: Core Regex Syntax and Metacharacters
94. Regular Expressions Part 3: Pattern and Matcher Classes
95. Regular Expressions Part 4: Advanced Regex Constructs
96. Regular Expressions Part 5: Maps vs Objects
97. Thread
98. Threads Part 1: Introduction to Threads
99. Threads Part 2: Thread Lifecycle
100. Threads Part 3: Thread Synchronization
101. Threads Part 4: Thread Communication
102. Threads Part 5: Thread Pools and Executors